
Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Every year RBI fill its vacant post through examination conducted all over the India.
but some how they are not so well informed to us.
so here is the link to rbi's site which gives latest information about vacancies in RBI.
Click to go to rbi's vacancies page


Position: Assistants in Reserve Bank of India
Eligibility: Graduation
Last date: 27.03.2012
Date of Exam: Sunday, April 29, 2012

Minimum: 18 Years
Maximum:  28 Years

No. of Vacancies:

No. of vacancies 520 127 77 279 1003

Pay Scale:  Rs.  8,040 – 410 – 9270 – 500 – 11,270 – 550 – 13,470 – 650 – 15,420 – 720 – 16,140 – 990 – 20,100. Monthly emoluments for is approximately  Rs. 19,340/-

Minimum Qualification:
At least a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ST/PWD candidates) in the aggregate
The knowledge of word processing on PC.

Application Fees:
Rs.385/- (Rupees three hundred eighty five only) (NON-REFUNDABLE):
No fee is payable by SC/ST/PWD candidates.

Selection Procedure:
  1. Written examination
    1. It will be Objective type and consist of five Objective Type tests, viz. (i) Test of Reasoning (ii) Test of English Language (iii) Test of Numerical Ability (iv) Test of General Awareness and (v) Test of Computer Knowledge, each part carrying 40 marks. A candidate has to qualify in each part of the Objective test separately.
  2. Those candidates  who are passed in the written examination and appear in the merit list will be called for interview
  3. Final selection will be on the basis of candidate’s performance in the written examination and interview taken together in order of merit.

Exam Centers:


How to apply:
Application is accepted through online mode.
  1. Go to the rbi site for applying the form.( )
  2. Click on apply now.
  3. Enter the detail. System will generate registration number and password. This will be emailed and SMS to your mobile phone. Take the print out of challan and deposit the requested money in any of the following branches.
Bank of Baroda / Bank of India / Indian Overseas Bank / Central Bank of India / Punjab National Bank / United Bank of India.
Payment will be accepted after 2 day of registration.
  1. Confirmation will be sent on through SMS or email.
  2. If candidate want to apply online then she/he can pay amount through MasterCard/maestro/visa/or net banking.

To downLoad full notification click here




Atomic Structure:
Bohr’s model and its limitation de Broglie equation, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, quantum mechanical operators and the Schrodinger wave equation, physical significance of wave function
and its characteristics (normalized orthogonal), radial distribution and shapes of s, p, d. and f-orbital’s, particle in a one-dimensional box, quantization of electronic energies (qualitative treatment of hydrogen atom).Paul’s Exclusion principle. Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Afbau principle, Electronic configuration of atoms, Long form of periodic table including trans law rencium elements. Periodicity in properties of the elements such as atomic and ionic randomization potential election affinity, electro negativity and hydration energy.

Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry:
Structure of nucleus (shell model), nuclear forces, nuclear stability-NP ration, nuclear binding energy Kinetics, detection and measurement of radioactivity, artificial transmutation of elements and nuclear reactions, nuclear fission & fusion, radioactive isotopes and their applications. Radio cartoon dating, Elementary ideas of radiation chemistry, radiolysis of water and aqueous solution, unit of radiation, chemical yield (G-value), Fricke’s dosimetry.

Chemical Bonding : Valence bond theory (Heitier- London and Pauling-Slater theories), hybridization, VSEPR theory and molecular orbital energy lever diagrams, for homo and hetero nuclear diatomic molecules, bond order, bond length and bond strength, sigma and p-bonds, hydrogen bond, characteristics of covalent bond.

Chemistry of s- and p-block elements :
General properties of s-and p-block elements, chemical reactivity of elements and group trends. Chemical
behavior with respect of their hybrids, halides and oxides.

Chemistry of Transition Elements :
 General Characteristics, variable oxidation stases, complex formation, color, magnetic and catalytic properties. Comparative study of 4d and 5d transition elements with 3d analogues with respect to their ionic radii, oxidation stasis and magnetic properties.

Chemistry of Lanthanides and Actinides :
 Lanthanide contraction, oxidation stasis, Principles of separation of lanthanides and actinides. Magnetic and spectral properties of their compounds.

Coordination Chemistry :
Werner’s Theory of coordination compounds. IUPAC system of nomenclature, effective atomic number (EAN) Isomerism in coordination compounds. Valence bond theory and its limitations. Crystal held theory, Crystal held splitting of d-orbital’s in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planer complexes. Equation and factors affecting its magnitude, calculation of Crystal held stabilization energies (CFSE) for d1 to d9 week and strong field, octahedral complexes, spectro chemical series. Electronic specter of d-transition metal complexes, types of electronic transitions, selection rules for electronic transitions, Spectroscopic ground states for d1 to d10 systems.

Bio-Inorganic Chemistry:
Essential and trace elements in biological processes, Metallo porphyrins with special reference to hemoglobin and myoglobin, Biological role of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions with special reference to Ca2+.

Preparation, Properties and Uses of the following Inorganic Compounds :
Heavy water, boric acid, diorama, hydrazine, hydroxylamine, potassium dichromate, potassium permanganate, Ce (IV) sulphate and titanium (III) sulphate,
Molecular weight of polymers by sedimentation light scattering viscosity and osmotic pressure. Number average and weight average molecular weights, elasticity and crystallinity of polymers.

Borazines :
Silicones and phosphonitrillic halide polymers.

Chemical Thermodynamics : Thermodynamic functions, Laws of thermodynamics and their applications to various physico-chemical process. Concept of chemical potential. Glibbs Duhem equation, Classius-Clapeyron equation, thermodynamic treatment of colligative properties.

Chemical Kinetics:
Order and molecularity of a reaction Rate laws, methods for determining the order of a reaction. Energy of activation, Colision theory of reaction rate. Steady state approximations. Transition state, theory of reaction rates, consecutive and side reactions.

Phase Equilibria:
Phases, components, degrees of freedom, phase diagram of one and two component systems, Nearest
distribution law, Applications of distribution law.

Electrochemistry :
Theory of strong electrolytes. Debye- Hucket theory of activity coefficient laws of electrolytic conduction, transport number determination of transport number (Hittorts and moving boundary method). Applications of conductance for determining the solubility and solubility products, Ionic equilibria, ionic product of water, pH, acid-base indicators, common ion effect, buffer solubility buffer index, buffer capacity solubility product and applications in analysis.

Solid State Chemistry :
Classification of solids, seven crystal systems, elements of symmetry in crystals, space lattice
and unit cell, classification of crystals on the basis of bond types ionic solids, metalic solids, covalent
solids, and molecular solids. The close packing of spheres, hexagonal close ionic solids, metalic solids,
covalent solids, and molecular solids. The close packing of spheres, hexagonal close packing, cubic close packing and body centered cubic packing, coordination number and radius ratio effect. Bargg’s law of X-ray diffraction, powder pattern method, crystal structure of NaCI and KCI.

Surface Chemistry:
Stability of and origin of charge on colloids, Electrokinetic potential. Physical and chemical absorption, various types of adsorption isotherms. Homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis enzyme catalysis (Michelis-Menton) equation.

Molecular Spectra :
Rotational Spectra Rigid and non-rigid rotator models. Determination of bond distance of diatomic molecules, linear triatomic molecules isotopic substitution.

Vibrational-Rotational Spectra:
Hormonic and anthormonic vibrations, vibrational energies of diatomic molecules, zero point energy, evaluation of force constant. Fundamental frequencies, overtones, trot bands, degrees of freedom of polyatomic molecules. Concept of group frequencies.

Raman Spectra :
Raman effect stokes and antistokes fines and their intensity difference. Rule of mutual exclusion.

Electronic Spectra :
Electronic transitions, Frank condom Principle, Phosphorescene and fluorescence.     


General Organic Chemistry :
Electronic displacement inductive, electromeric and mesmoeric effects, Conjugation
and hyper conjugation, Resonance and its application to organic compounds, Electrophlies, nuclephlies,
carbocations, carbanions and free radical. Organic acids and bases. Effects of structure on the strength of organic acids and bases. Hydrogen bond and its effect on the properties of organic compounds.

Concepts of Organic Reaction Mechanism:
 Mechanism of addition, substitution, elimination, reactions and molecular rearrangements, Mechanism of Electrophilic and nucleophilic automatic substitution. Mechanism of the following reactions : Aldol condensation, Claims condensation Beckmann rearrangement, Perkin reaction, Reiner- Tiemann reaction, Cannizaro’s reaction, Friedel Craft’s reaction, Refonnatisky’s reaction and Wagner-Meerwein

Aliphatic Compounds : Chemistry of simple organic compounds belonging to following classes
with special reference to the mechanisms of the reactions involved therein, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes alkyl, halides, alcohol, ethers, thiols aldehydes, ketones, a busnaltruated carbonyl compounds, acids and their derivatives, amines, aminoacids, hydroxy acids, unsaturated acids and dibasic acids, Synthetic uses of malonic easier acetoaceliceasier, Gridnand’s reagent, carbene, diazomethane and phosphoranes.

Classification, configuration and general reaction of simple monosaccharides. Ozone formation,
mutarotation, pyranose and furanose structures. Chain lengthening and chain shortening in aidoses and
Kethses. Interconversion of glucose and fructose.

Stereochemistry and conformations :
Elements of symmetry, optical and geometrical isomerism in simple organic compounds. Absolute configuration (R & S); configurations of geometrical isomers, E & Z notations, Conformation of mono and distributed cyciohexnaes. Boat and chair form.

Aromatic Compounds:
Modern structure of benzene; Concept of aromaticity. Huckle
rule and its simple application to non-benezenoid aromatic compounds. Activating and deactivating effect of substituent groups, directive influence. Study of the compounds containing following groups attached to the alky and benzene ring halogen, hydroxy, nitro and amino groups. Sulphonic acids, benzaldelyde, salicy dehyde, acetophenone, Benzoic, salicyclic, phithalic, cannamic and mandelic acids.

Naphthalene & Pyridine:
Synthesis, structure and important reactions.

General methods of structure elucidation of alkaloids, chemistry of nicotine.

Organic Polymers:
Mechanism of polymerization, polymers of industrial importance, synthetic fibers.

Chemistry of Living Cells :
A Brief introduction, chemical constituents, cell membranes, acid base balance, Diffusion and active transport. Donnan membranes equilibria.

Enzymes and Coenzymes:
Nomenclature and characteristics, factors which affect enzyme activity.

NMR Spectroscopy :
Principle of PMR, chemical shift, spin-spin coupling, interpretation of PMR spectra of simple organic molecules,

Evaluation of analytical Data:
Errors, accuracy and precision, Relative and standard deviation rejection of doubtful, observations, t-test, Q-test.

Solvent Extraction :
Distribution law, Craigs concept of counter-current distribution, important solvent extraction systems.

Chromatography :
Classification of Chromatographic techniques, general principles of absorption, partition exchange, paper and thin layer chromatography.

Environmental Chemistry:
Air pollutants and their toxic effects, depletion of ozone layer effects
of oxides of nitrogen, flurochlorocarbons and their effect on ozone layer, Greenhouse effect, acid rain.

Monday, 5 March 2012


1. Constitutional Law of India :
  1. Nature of Indian Constitution, Salient features,
  2. Nature of FundamentalRights with special reference to Right to equality, Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression. Right to Life and Personal liberty and Religious, Cultural and Educational Rights.
  3. Directive Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duties
  4. Constitutional Position of the President and relationship with the Council of Ministers.
  5. Constitutional postion of Governors and their power.
  6. Supreme Court and High Courts, their powers and jurisdiction.
  7. Principles of Natural Justice.
  8.  Distribution of Legislative powers between the Union and States, Administrative and Financial relations between the Union and States.
  9.  Delegated legislation; its constitutionality and judicial and legislative controls.
  10.  Freedom of Trade and commerce in India.
  11.  Emergency Provisions.
  12.  Constitutional safeguards to Civil Servants.
  13.  Parliamentary privileges and ammenities.
  14.  Amendment of the Constitution.
II. International Law :
1. Nature of International Law.
2. Source: Treaty, Custom, General principles of law recognised by civilized nations, subsidiary means for the determination of law.
3. Relationship between international Law and Municipal law.
4. State Recognition and State Succession.
5. Territory of States: modes of acquisition and loss of territory
6. Sea: Inland waters; Territorial Sea; Contiguous Zone; Continental Shelf; Exclusive Economic Zone and Ocean beyond national jurisdiction.
7. Air space and aerial navigation.
8. Outer space ; Exploration and use of outer space.
9. Individuals : Nationality, Statelessness, Human Rights and is enforcement.
10. Jurisdiction of States: basis of jurisdiction and immunity from jurisdiction.
11. Extradition and Asylum.
12. Diplomatic and Consular Agents.
13. Treaties: Formation, application and termination.
14. State Responsibility.
15. United Nations: Purposes and principles; principal organs and their powers and functions.
16. Peaceful means for settlement of International disputes.
17. Lawful recourse to force : aggression, self-defence and interventions.
18. Legality of the use of nuclear weapons.


(a) Concept of Crimes, Elements, Preparations, and attempt to commit crime.
(b) 1
 Indian Penal Code, 1860
  1. GENERAL exceptions
  2. Joint and Constructive liability
  3. Abetment
  4. Criminal conspiracy.
  5. Offences against the state
  6. Offences against Public Tranquility.
  7. Offences against Human Body
  8. Offences against Property
  9. Offences Relating to Marriage
  10. Defamation
2. Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1965
3. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
4. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1964.
  1. Nature of tortious liability
  2. Liability based upon fault and strict liability.
  3. Statutory liability.
  4. Vicarious liability
  5. Joint fort feasors
  6. Negligence
  7. Occupier’s liability and liability in respect of structures.
  8. Detention and conversion.
  9. Defamation.
  10. Nuisance.
  11. False imprisonment and malicious prosecution.
2. Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law:
    • Formation of contract
    • Factors vitiating consent.
    • Void, Voidable, illegal and unenforceable contracts.
    • Perfomance of contracts.
    • Dissolution of contractual obligations, frustration of contracts.
    • Quasi contracts.
    • Remedies for breach of contract.
    • Sales of goods Act, 1930.
    • Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
    • Negotiable Instruments Act.